Cystadenoma cysts
These abnormal ovarian cysts develop from cells on the outer surface of the ovaries and can grow to a very large size. Mucinous Cystadenoma cysts take the form of biggest tumours in women often weighing approximately 328 lb or around 149 kg, These cysts reportedly occur at an early age and the cyst turned tumour happens to be unilateral and are often found attached to the ovary by a stem. As there is a rare chance of these cysts or tumours turning malignant, they may be classified historically and treated accordingly. Falling under the category of asymptomatic cysts, they may be found in the form of large abdominal mass during a routine check up of a person complaining abdominal pain and associated distressing condition.
Dermoid cyst or teratomas
As a fairly bizarre phenomenon, Dermoid cysts, clinically termed as 'cystic teratoma' are classed more as tumours than cysts. In fact, they are solid structures filled with pieces of bone, hair, teeth and skin, as well as hair follicles, pockets of blood, sebum and in some cases 'thyroid tissue'. Though they are normally benign, the rarely occurring malignant dermoid cyst usually develops as 'squamous cell carcinoma' in adults. Incidentally, a Pilonidal cyst often resembles dermoid cyst in several ways, the most significant resemblance concern the presence of Germ Cell Tumour. In case of any evasive surgery care must be taken so that there is no spillage while the opinion of an oncologist will be helpful.
Periorbital Dermoid Cysts
Even the kids are not spared of Dermoid cysts - often kids get them close to the eyebrow's lateral aspect and they feel like rubber. When the cysts are seen, medical practitioners sometimes keep them under observation and at other times they are surgically removed. However when they are meddled with, the cysts may lead to an inflammation. And even after treatment, the cyst may make a comeback, particularly if the entire growth has not been removed. But the problem is, the complete cyst can often be difficult to remove with surgery, particularly when it is a 'Dumbbell Configuration', in which, it needs to be cut along the suture line of the skull.
Endometrial cysts or Chocolate cysts
Endometriosis is a medical terminology that indicates a condition when the endometrium or the lining of the womb begins to grow in parts of the body other than the womb. These endometrial patches also forms on the ovaries, creating cysts popularly known as Chocolate cysts as they are invariably filled with chocolate coloured pre-stored blood. During the menstrual period every month, these endometrial patches of tissues that have been encapsulated in cyst will also bleed, but since there is no outlet for bleeding, the cyst go on getting larger in size and eventually may burst.
Polycystic ovarian cyst
Cysts forming from small egg follicles causing ovaries to get thickened and enlarged, often accompanied by hormonal imbalance in women are known as polycystic ovarian cyst that grow in numbers.
Holistic approach as plausible cure
Since OTC medications and prescription drugs can hardly solve the problem of abnormal ovarian cysts in your body and surgical removal of the cyst involves many factors that may not prove beneficial, a holistic approach towards a plausible cure seems to be the best answer. You need also to remember that the surgical removal of a cyst is not foolproof since a recurrence can never be ruled out.
The holistic approach to the cure is more practical too as the cyst formation involves a multitude of factors starting from hormonal imbalance to psychological trauma. Besides, the holistic approach will add newer dimension towards the treatment that includes change of food habits, change of lifestyle and appropriate physical exercise, topics hitherto unheard of as right line of treatment for abnormal ovarian cysts.
Ovarian cysts can happen from many contributing factors. And since holistic medicines treat the body as a whole, they are often more effective.
Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
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