The goal of treatment is to tumors or cancer cells that are in the skin. The operation of the cancer cells of the skin is easy and requires no cutting or excisions, as for the other operations. There are two types of treatment for skin treatment. Systematic treatment. The treatment will focus on patients in whom the infection spread only in the question of the place, and the infection is not propagated in other areas. Systematic treatment by the doctors in the infection of the skin, organs or other parties. If the infection is really serious localized treatments are not very effective.
The techniques used for the treatment of skin cancer are:
A. Surgery: Surgery is more effective, the disease is not bad. In other words, if the skin cancer is not one of the other parties propagated, and the surgery is the efficient method. The growth of tumors or removed. The injuries or tumors that develop are excerpts from surgical procedures.
B. Radiation therapy: If the infection is serious, and tumors can not only by surgery, and the method of radiation therapy used. Either the generators radiation source is kept outside of the person's body or a person who injects. The external radiation therapy is effective for the skin.
C. chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is a kind of treatment, where the chemical reagents are added initiated these substances body and lead to reactions and destroy the cells inside the body.
The treatment is useful in the treatment of BCC and CCN melanoma and requires a systematic treatment.
Often, the doctors not only a technical but with the combination of the two methods. The cancer cells are, in fact, destroyed when two or more methods. But there are many side effects of chemo-and radiotherapy. The cancer cells are affected, thereby also the normal cells.
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