Tuesday, October 28, 2008
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Saturday, October 25, 2008
Weight Loss And Lemonade Diet Review

So what is lemonade diet? The lemonade diet is actually a master cleanse. That is invented by the Stanley Burroughs. This cleanse has been around for a long time. But is becoming very popular. With many celebrity using this method to lose weight fast. The cleanse is made to clean your body from the inside. So that your body can function better. And it's believe to help prevent disease and cancers. It also improve blood circulations. Making you feel better and youthful. It is good for your skin. Help keeping them firm. These are just a few benefit of doing the cleanse. However, the master cleanse is being called by many names such as the lemon detox diet or the cayenne pepper diet. This is because many people use this cleanse for weight loss. Why? Because an average person can lose one to two pounds a day. And with celebrity doing it. We see the results right in front of our eyes. And many people are now doing the lemonade diet.
The lemonade drink is consist of just a few ingredients. And it's very cost effective. All you need is lemons, water, cayenne pepper, and grade b maple syrup. It is suggest that you use organic products if you can. If you want to learn more about the lemonade diet and weight loss. I recommend you get the master cleanse secret book. Since the cleanse can be hard the first couple of days. And there are many tips in the book to help you over come the side effects. It also tells you about the safe food you can eat during this diet.
Preventing Heart Disease, Cancer and Diabetes With a Mediterranean Diet

These scientists have been researching the impact of natural antioxidants derived from vegetables and fruits, and olive oil, upon pancreatic cancer cells. The primary ingredients found in the Mediterranean diet can positively affect the cell membranes.
We can dramatically reduce issues such as heart attacks, diabetes type 2, strokes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol simply by adopting a healthier lifestyle, regular exercise and a Mediterranean type diet.
The researchers have shown a direct link with what we consume and how this can affect our cells resilience to some forms of cancer and also pancreatitis. The repercussions for disease prevention throughout the Western World is enormous. With the ability to eradicate unhealthy lifestyle practices and with the inclusion of foods from the Mediterranean Diet, many of the illnesses threatening pandemics on the Western World could be almost eradicated. Compare this to the sobering thought that WHO (World Health Organization) predicts that diabetes type 2 sufferers will probably double over the next 15 years if our unhealthy diet selections and poor lifestyle choices continue.
Perhaps that piece of information wasn't enough to have you thinking about adjusting to new ways of eating. Perhaps you need to read more on the subject of the Mediterranean cuisine. Whatever you do, don't be foolish enough to do nothing!
Cancers can be reduced by up to 40% and improve heart health by a significant 80% simply by healthy eating. University studies have now proven that eating foods from the Mediterranean region such as natural fruits and vegetables, grains, and pure olive oils and fish oils, can have a positive impact on the membranes of cells responsible for some cancers. Cancer? Diabetes? Heart attack? No thanks. I think I'll skip the cardiac bypass and chemotherapy and stick with a Greek Salad.